“Well, they weren’t actually locked. No one locks their door up here in Canada dude…but they were at least closed all the way shut eh.”
Hugh Jorgan
Hugh was born in Southern California and raised by his Italian Nonna who worked hard as a cleaning lady for one of the largest production studios in the region.
Hugh’s father, highly acclaimed jazz pianist Welland Dowd, had left before Hugh was born, and his Mom – who worked the Cruise Ship Circuit – decided “Nonna was best” after she realized how much work it was to run a baby.
While Hugh always dreamed of becoming a heavy metal guitar player, his Nonna would have no part in this, sighting that heavy metal guitar was the devil’s work. She pushed him early to follow in his father’s footsteps as a pianist and mooch…
After his daily piano lessons, Hugh would accompany his Nonna to her work where he would hang out with directors, producers, and even movie stars. He later went on to get a sh*t job at a corner convenience store in Encino – possibly the one where Jay and Silent Bob grew up…
One day while visiting Nonna, he stopped into the restroom to relieve himself. While there, he overheard a man talking on a cell phone about a great new picture he was about to produce. Hugh was curious…. As the man used the urinal beside the one that he was using, Hugh noticed the man was curious too, staring over at Hugh’s “natural talent.”
Hugh’s career in adult movie industry started that very same day. At the tender age of 21, no one could believe that such a young boy had such HUGE talent and the legacy of Hugh Jorgan had begun.
Hugh starred in several thousand successful films, but only 6 months after he had reached the top of his career, the unthinkable happened…
Hugh was attending a “Mile High Club” meeting on a flight back to LA, when the plane encountered severe turbulence and Hugh suffered a “yet to be explained” tragic accident… he ended up a broken man. His future; hanging by a thread. And just like his member, the rest, is history (awwww…)…
His insurance company totally screwed him claiming it was a setup, and all poor Hugh had left – aside from a very unusual Christmas ornament – was the natural gift his jazz pianist father had given him…
The sweet sound of 88 keys (as opposed to the 24 frets that he truly desired)…