HF1 Timeline

HF1 timeline

Rod Gozinya

“We just wanted our sh*t to be rock fk’in solid bro. You know, so when it did eventually come out, it was gonna be like fk’in WHAM – IN YA FAYCE!!! No, wait, not like Wham the fk’in group fk…Like Wham, right in your fk’in face bro – fk’in HEAVY and fk’in right in [...]

2017-04-29T01:36:47-04:00November 3rd, 2014|HF1 Timeline|Comments Off on Rod Gozinya

Hugh Jorgan

“Well, they weren’t actually locked. No one locks their door up here in Canada dude…but they were at least closed all the way shut eh.” Hugh Jorgan Hugh was born in Southern California and raised by his Italian Nonna who worked hard as a cleaning lady for one of the largest [...]

2017-04-29T01:36:52-04:00November 3rd, 2014|HF1 Timeline|Comments Off on Hugh Jorgan

Kraven Mohrhead

"twelve – what a weird word dude!!! Yeah, it was like…I dunno, something, like…good – or something?!?!? And we can say Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star dude, because that song is fk'in old and whoever wrote it is dead." Kraven Mohrhead Kraven Mohrhead was born to be a metal god. From his [...]

2017-04-29T01:36:53-04:00November 3rd, 2014|HF1 Timeline|Comments Off on Kraven Mohrhead
Hair Force 1

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